Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SUB - Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Package

GMS version 9.0 has added support for the SUB package in MODFLOW.  The SUB package was developed by the USGS to simulate aquifer compaction and land subsidence.  The SUB package simulates compaction of interbeds including both elastic (recoverable) and inelastic (not recoverable) compaction. It also includes the ability to simulate interbeds where drainage from the interbed is immediate (no-delay) or delayed.

In GMS you can add interbeds and set interbed attributes using the conceptual model interface.  You can also add and edit interbeds through a grid interface.  The grid interface also includes the ability to setup SUB package output.  When SUB package vertical displacement has been set to be saved to a file, a VerticalDisplacement data set is added to the model solution in the GMS project explorer as shown above.

To learn more about using the SUB package in GMS, a new tutorial will be available in the GMS learning center when GMS 9.0 is released. Documentation on the wiki is available now.

August 2012 Sprint Highlights

Some of the more interesting accomplishments from the August 2012 sprint:
  • Fixed over 14 bugs
  • Fixed dragging display when using computers with integrated graphics 
  • Implemented Project-on-the-fly for all modules and objects
  • Added import/export support for several DEM/Raster file types including:
    • GeoTIFF
    • Arc/Info ASCII Grid
    • BIL
    • USGS DEM
    • Surfer Ascii Grid Files
    • DXF
  • Added interpolation from raster catalogs
  • Added legends for rasters
  • Added user defined min/max for scatter -> raster
  • Added ability to open multiple files at once
  • Added drag-and-drop to the entire GMS window, not just the Graphics Window
  • Reconfigured the XYZF and IJK/ID panes to accomodate Lat/Lon and projection
  • Added mouse tracking while using the pan and rotate tools
  • Finished some tutorials: null-space Monte Carlo and SUB package